Review Tamron Sp 70-200mm F/28 Di Vc Usd G2 Lens for Nikon F

Tamron lxx-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Review

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens

A telephoto zoom is the second nigh important lens in a high percentage of camera kits and the 70-200mm focal length range is both ideal for many uses and extremely popular. Add in a broad f/2.eight aperture with Vibration Compensation and the telephoto lens becomes peculiarly versatile, ready to tackle low light venues. This is not Tamron's start (or even second) 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and with the G2 Lens, Tamron promises "... enhanced optical performance, improved VC (Vibration Bounty), faster AF speed and accuracy, and shortened MOD (Minimum Object Distance) for greater flexibility." It is non hard to appreciate any of those features and the greatly-modernized design is bonny from both aesthetic and functionality perspectives.

Overall, this lens is a great performer and for many, the relatively low price volition win the choice for this lens.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens on Tripod

Focal Length Range

What is a 70-200mm lens useful for? The listing of uses for a brusque-mid-telephoto focal length range is very long, but I'll start with the perhaps near-popular employ and that is portraits. And I'll start the portrait give-and-take with a comparison look at this focal length range (another focal length range example volition be provided in the linear distortion give-and-take later in the review).

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Focal Length Range Example

At the broad stop of this range, caput and shoulder portraits testify a nice perspective as do any portraits captured from longer distances. At 200mm, even very tight headshots retain a nice perspective for a smashing await, one that typically includes few discernable background subjects.

With this lens, people tin can be photographed in the home, in the yard, at the beach, at the park, in the studio or at a wide variety of events and venues, and this focal length range is frequently a first option for all of these. Very popular consequence use includes weddings, performances (including kids on phase) and speaking engagements.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Event Sample Picture

The in a higher place is a slightly-cropped 200mm image.

People are also frequently photographed participating in sporting and other action scenarios with this focal length range. While the 200mm focal length may exist modestly as well wide for large field sports photography, it works very well for closer activeness such equally that found at track and field meets and on the basketball court. Basketball is typically played indoors and with the f/2.8 discontinuity (more on this shortly), indoor action sports are within this lens' capabilities.

Past virtue of the longer focal lengths and aided strongly by the wide f/ii.8 aperture, the background of 70-200mm images tin can be diffusely-blurred and that attribute is especially swell for portraits where the background cannot be fully controlled, including at sporting events and performances captured from a seat in the audience.

If you desire to make money with a camera, photographing people is often one of the easiest ways to accomplish this and this lens, easily covering the classic portrait range of 85mm through 135mm (afterwards FOVCF is factored in) is ideally suited for this purpose.

While portrait photography generally refers to images of people being captured, some of u.s.a. also refer to sure types of wild fauna photos as portraits. These images typically include the animal at least nearly filling the frame and for that task, this focal length range often falls short of that need. Unless the wildlife subject is very large and/or very shut, the longest native focal length in this lens (I'll discuss the teleconverter options subsequently in the review) will usually be establish far too short for this task. If capturing environmental wild fauna portraits or captive (zoo) wildlife, this focal length range may be perfect.

When landscape photography is mentioned, many immediately recollect of broad bending lenses. But, telephoto focal lengths are an important part of a mural kit. The telephoto focal lengths can create excellent landscape images, especially when in that location is a distant discipline that is to be emphasized, such as a mountain. Here is a 200mm sample paradigm showing a compressed landscape, emphasizing lines and colors over depth:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Landscape Sample Picture

Some other great mode to deploy telephoto lenses for landscape photography is to focus on closer details, allowing a strong background mistiness to isolate those within the epitome.

A lxx-200mm lens is my almost-used studio lens, working especially well for product images and many other general studio applications.

Mount a 70-200mm lens on an APS-C-format camera and the angle of view (AOV) becomes like that of a 112-320mm lens on a full frame camera. While the narrower AOV does not greatly modify the uses listing for this lens, these AOVs brand widely-framed portraits less ideal and most volition prefer this AOV range for sports and wild fauna pursuits.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Front View

Max Aperture

I've hinted to the wide discontinuity this lens has and the fixed f/2.8 max aperture available over the entire focal length range is indeed a big asset. What are the advantages of a wide aperture? More low-cal reaches the imaging sensor and information technology provides a shallower, better-subject-isolating depth of field.

While those photographing landscapes with this lens may non find the broad f/2.8 aperture mandatory (and those hiking to remote landscape destinations may not appreciate the weight that accompanies an f/two.8 lens), those capturing portraits or photographing low calorie-free events, including sporting events, definitely will. The f/2.8 aperture represents the widest aperture bachelor in a seventy-200mm zoom lens and, even with the improvements we've seen in DSLR camera high ISO performance, f/2.8 remains the minimum aperture I want to have when photographing indoor activities.

I often talk near the compositional advantages of a clean edge and ane mode to achieve such is to mistiness whatever is in this location into oblivion. This lens has that characteristic. Zoom to 200mm, open the discontinuity broad to f/2.viii, move in shut to your subject and watch even a very busy and distracting background melt abroad – similar this:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Background Blur

The wide aperture invites stopping activeness in low low-cal and handholding the camera in maybe even lower light levels. This is the specific aperture required to enable the college precision AF capabilities (most frequently the center AF signal) in some cameras, farther aiding in ideal image quality. Another f/ii.viii advantage is the vivid viewfinder image information technology makes available.

What are the disadvantages of a wide aperture? I already mentioned the weight and increased size that goes with this aspect. The other wide discontinuity disadvantage ane can count on is increased cost over similar focal length lenses with narrower apertures. From my perspective, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Top View with Hood

Image Stabilization

While the wide aperture lone makes this lens a great selection for low light photography, this lens' VC (Vibration Compensation) system significantly increases its versatility, improves its usability and, in many situations, profoundly improves the paradigm quality it delivers.

The prior version of this lens (we'll call it the G1) also had VC, but information technology was rated one stop lower than the incredible 5-stop CIPA rating given to the G2, theoretically making the G2 handholdable in one/ii as much calorie-free. In practice, nether ideal atmospheric condition, using an ultra-loftier resolution Canon EOS 5Ds R, most of my 70mm images were abrupt at i/viii second exposures with a taper off in keeper rate through 1/4 second. An exceptional abrupt image was obtained at longer shutter speeds, but the success rate was very low. A decent percentage of 200mm results were sharp at 1/13 - one/x second, but the keeper rate rapidly dropped at longer exposures. For me, these figures are an comeback over the G1, which needed like exposure times for sharp images from a much lower resolution Canon EOS 5D Mark III.

Photographing outside, peradventure in the wind or on unstable ground? Expect to need faster exposures than those I reported. Merely, also expect a like amount of assistance from VC as information technology is still similarly and significantly compensating for shake.

While VC is neat for reducing camera shake in images, it is also very helpful for framing subjects while taking photo. While I exercise detect this VC system to fight with me slightly for very critical framing (in Mode i), having the viewfinder view stabilized permits the shutter release to be timed with the just-right composition.

In this system, the epitome in viewfinder remains very stable when VC starts. Some light chatter is heard when VC is activated and again when it is deactivated, only it is hard to hear the calorie-free bustling and clicking when VC is running unless an ear is immediately next to the lens. Globe-trotting of the subject framing while VC is active is sometimes noticeable and can exist a little annoying while waiting for the correct moment to release the shutter.

Iii VC modes are provided:

Mode 1 is designed for normal handheld photography, stabilizing the image on two centrality (this was the just mode on the G1).

Fashion 2 is designed for panning with a moving subject with one axis of stabilization provided.

Mode 3 is designed for photographing erratic action such as sports.

In mode three, when the shutter release is one-half-pressed, VC activates but does not stabilize the image until the shutter release is fully pressed, significant that the lens does non compete with bailiwick framing adjustments and that globe-trotting of the frame is non a problem. The stabilized viewfinder, however, is given up with this option.

Handheld video recording is nicely assisted by VC. VC as well provides a notwithstanding subject to the camera's AF organisation, permitting it to do its job better. With the optional accessory Tamron TAP-in Panel (more about this subsequently), you can customize the configuration of VC Way 1. Choose the viewfinder view of either standard or image priority.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Angle View

Image Quality

I mentioned in the beginning of the review that Tamron claims "enhanced optical operation" from the 70-200 G2. In the commencement fix of comparisons below, we see the optical designs of each lens and there does appear to be a modify including an boosted LD element.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Optical Design

In the second and third comparisons, we wait at the theoretical MTF charts for 70mm and 200mm with college lines representing meliorate paradigm quality. Hither nosotros also see a deviation and equally expected, information technology is an improvement with results at 70mm appearing to be especially improved in the periphery.

Looking at real life performance, we find the Tamron 70-200mm f/two.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens delivering superb paradigm quality. In summary, at f/2.eight, this lens delivers sharp images with mid and full frame peripheral performance being especially remarkable. Stopped downwards to f/4, results are razor sharp from corner to corner over the entire focal length range fifty-fifty on full frame cameras.

To intermission down that summary into more granular chunks ... the 70mm results fit the summary well. The f/2.eight results at 100mm are rather similar to those at 70mm with the center being very slightly less sharp and the periphery being very slightly sharper. The heart of the frame f/ii.viii results are sharpest at 135mm and the periphery shows a slight improvement f/four. The center of the frame results are weakest at 200mm at f/2.8 and more improvement is seen at f/four at this focal length, just the periphery is very sharp at 200mm f/2.8.

Post-obit are some outdoor comparisons captured with a Canon EOS 5Ds R. These 100% resolution cropped images were captured in RAW format and processed in DPP using the Standard Picture Style with sharpness set to "1". The post-obit examples are from the center of the frame.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Sharpness Comparison Example

Look for the sharpest portion of the frame at f/two.8 showing the to the lowest degree modify at f/4 to find the centre of the plane of sharp focus. At 70mm, a crash-land in contrast is seen at f/4. At 100mm and 135mm, little difference is seen. And, at 200mm, we see a noticeable difference at f/four.

For most of the focal lengths represented above, I didn't demand to include the f/v.six results. But, for the 200mm samples, I even included f/viii because I want to talk almost this prepare in a little more depth. Find how the left-nearly bud barely comes into sharp focus at f/8 while the more-afar height-right bud jumps into focus by f/5.6? What we are seeing is focus shift. Here is another instance at 200mm:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Focus Shift Example

While the mid focal lengths do not prove focus shift of significance, some is apparent at 70mm and at 200mm it becomes even more noticeable. I would rather there be no such shift, but the intended airplane of sharp focus remains in focus at narrower 200mm apertures and that is an important signal to make.

Nosotros'll have a closer await at the farthermost full frame corners adjacent. The height-left corner is shown in the 70 and 100mm examples and the 135 and 200mm samples feature the bottom-left corner. This reviewed lens showed very good overall optical alignment, and so the selected corners mean piffling bated from knowing which corner of the crop is the absolute corner of the frame.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Corner Sharpness Comparison Example

As always, vignetting affects broad open up aperture corner brightness and contrast, but otherwise, these corners are looking very nice. Keep in mind that longer focal lengths magnify whatever rut waves present more than than shorter focal lengths and narrower apertures mean longer exposures which give those waves more time to impact the epitome. While these images were captured belatedly in the twenty-four hour period, the 200mm f/4 and f/5.6 results were not looking representative to me and I chose to not prove them.

I mentioned vignetting – it is always present in wide discontinuity corners unless using a camera that does non include the entire paradigm circle (an APS-C model in this case). At f/2.8, this lens shows most 2 stops of shading in the corners with virtually 1/2 finish more at 200mm and 1/2 stop less at 100mm. The rule for reducing vignetting is to stop down the aperture. At f/4, nigh .viii stops of shading shows in the wider focal length corners and just slightly more (but over a finish) shows in the longer half of the range. By f/v.6, it is very unlikely that vignetting will be visible in images and it continues to be reduced further as the discontinuity is narrowed.

As hinted to, images captured with APS-C format cameras do not evidence shading nearly as readily and the barely-recognizable close-to-1-stop of shading in 200mm corners is substantially the only consideration in this regard.

With sharpness and vignetting covered, allow's look at other factors that tin can affect image quality. If all of the wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum refracted identically, a lens designer'south job would be a lot easier. Considering they practice non, we get aberrations caused past various wavelengths of light existence magnified and focused differently.

The well-nigh frequently noticed type of CA (Chromatic Aberration), lateral (or transverse) CA, shows every bit different colors of the spectrum being magnified differently with the mid and specially the periphery of the image circle showing color fringing along lines of strong dissimilarity running tangential (meridional, right angles to radii) as this is where the greatest divergence in the magnification of wavelengths exists. I'll telephone call it "LatCA" and if it is a zoom lens, latCA is nearly always present in some amount.

Fortunately, lateral CA is easily software corrected (often in the camera) by radially shifting the colors to coincide. Also fortunate is that this lens performs relatively well in this regard, avoiding much of the color fringing.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Lateral Chromatic Aberration Example

The extents of the zoom range typically show the most LatCA and that is again the case with this lens. These amounts are visible in some images, simply they are non terribly potent. Some color fringing remains nowadays at 100mm, just the 135mm issue appears very nice.

A relatively common lens aberration is axial (longitudinal, bokeh) CA, which causes not-coinciding focal planes of the various wavelengths of light, or more than simply, unlike colors of light are focused to unlike depths. Spherical abnormality along with spherochromatism, or a modify in the amount of spherical aberration with respect to colour (looks quite similar to centric chromatic abnormality, simply is hazier) are other common lens aberrations to look for. Axial CA remains at least somewhat persistent when stopping downwardly with the color misalignment result increasing with defocusing while the spherical aberration colour halo shows niggling size change as the lens is defocused and stopping down one to 2 stops generally removes this aberration.

In the real world, lens defects practise non exist in isolation with spherical aberration and spherochromatism generally found, at to the lowest degree to some degree, along with axial CA. These combine to create a less sharp, hazy-appearing image quality at the widest apertures.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Spherical and Axial Aberration Example

That the foreground and background specular highlights shows different surrounding colors indicates that these issues are present at f/two.8, though in a small amount. These issues are essentially resolved past the time the discontinuity is stopped down a couple of stops.

Put a vivid light source such as the sun in the corner of a telephoto lens frame and some effects of flare are going to be seen. Put the bright light source into a complex, loftier-count lens element/group blueprint and some effects of flare are going to be seen. Put the ii together and terminate downward to a narrow aperture for some wild flaring effects. Fifty-fifty so, this lens performs amid the all-time in its class in this regard.

Linear distortion is another attribute practically guaranteed to be present with a zoom lens and though there again is some, this lens performs well in this regard. With directly lines running along the edge of the frame, 70mm will show some pocket-sized barrel baloney curving those lines outward in the center of the frame. Zooming in, the barrel baloney transitions through negligible distortion and by 100mm, very slight pincushion baloney is present. The pincushion distortion gradually increases until 200mm where a pocket-size amount shows.

The following organ pipage images are un-cropped and reduced, showing baloney at the top and bottom of the frame too equally another focal length comparison.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Focal Length Range Example

The straight lines forth the horizontal edges of this image should remain parallel to the borders. While that is not always the case, this lens does non perform poorly among its peers.

With long focal lengths and a broad aperture, that this lens tin can create a stiff background mistiness is unquestionable. The quality of that blur, referred to as bokeh, is also adept. Here are some f/five.half dozen examples of out-of-focus specular highlights.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Bokeh Example

With ix rounded aperture blades, this lens will create eighteen-point starbursts from point light sources when narrower apertures are used (f/sixteen in this example).

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Sunstar Effect Example

Overall, this lens is delivering all-time, or at to the lowest degree nearly best, image quality in its class.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Side View


Every bit indicated by the "USD" acronym in its name, the 70-200mm f/two.8 VC Lens uses Tamron's very nice Ultrasonic Bulldoze for autofocusing. This implementation of USD is tranquillity in operation, with just a light "shhhh" heard in quiet environments. The focus speed is decent and fine-tuning adjustments made after the initial almost-in-focus state is achieved are seldom encountered. This lens but locks on the subject, getting information technology right in the first try, time after time.

In this review's introduction, I mentioned that Tamron promised "faster AF speed and accurateness". One of the lens aspects I ever test thoroughly is autofocus accurateness with consistency being specially of import equally consistency tin exist calibrated into accuracy if necessary. And, I generally dread testing tertiary party lens AF accuracy because ... historically, many of these lenses take performed poorly in this regard. It is highly frustrating to spend weeks evaluating a lens and have the AF results reveal a flaw large enough to brand people no longer interested in information technology.

I've shown that the Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens has impressive sharpness even at its widest aperture. But of course, that sharpness tin only be realized if the lens is focused accurately and most of united states of america rely on AF for that chore. And, with the relatively shallow depth of field this lens can produce at 200mm and f/2.8, that attribute becomes even more than critical.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens AF Accuracy

The paradigm shared in a higher place is a collage of 100% crops taken from 15 consecutive 200mm, f/2.8 autofocused images, each captured with the lens initially de-focused. If I hadn't told you, you might have idea that I just copied and pasted a unmarried image to create this graphic, but those are indeed 15 different images. That's impressive. And, I accept a variety of similar tests showing like results.

I had a track run across to photo and ... I really wanted to see how this lens would perform in that role. The Tamron 70-200 made it into my hands just every bit I was leaving for the consequence and, (I don't recommend doing this, but I couldn't help myself) without any prior testing, I mounted the lens on a Canon EOS-1D X Mark II and went out the door. I shot the encounter solely with this lens (oft verifying the results between heats – but in case there were serious problems). The results from about 1,000 images captured that evening were not perfect (they never are), only they showed this lens' AF system performing quite well. That I photographed this event in depression calorie-free, including heavy cloud encompass and lite pelting with a mail service-sunset finale, gives the results added value.

I often notice peripheral AF points non performing also as the eye AF point when using 3rd party lenses, so I likewise test those. While the peripheral AF functioning from this lens falls curt of the center AF point performance, information technology is simply very slightly less so, delivering a significant bulk of in-focus images, including at the mentioned rails meet and fifty-fifty in the very low light levels at that outcome. A vast bulk of the results from a portrait session with this lens, including tightly-framed head shots and utilizing but peripheral AF points, were correctly focused.

Overall, I'm quite impressed with the Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens' AF performance.

This lens focuses internally and FTM (Total Time Manual) focusing is supported. A focus limiter switch provides the full focus distance range or optionally limits the focus range to betwixt nine.84'(3m) - ∞, for potentially faster focus conquering. Using the Tap-In console, the limited focus altitude switch position tin can exist customized to whatsoever available focus distance range.

From 70mm through 135mm, subjects retain their similar size throughout a full focus extent alter, though at that place is a noticeable size change at the longer focal lengths. Photographers using focus stacking techniques, videographers pulling focus and anyone very-critically framing a scene will capeesh the lxx-135mm range for their purposes.

Focus distance settings are displayed inside a minor window and available at a glance. Not unusual for a lens in this class is that DOF marks are not provided.

While non-cinema lenses are mostly non parfocal and that attribute can be individual lens-specific, the review lens is non parfocal. However, subjects do not get far out of focus during a full extent zoom. Even so, plan on refocusing after a focal length change.

The manual focus ring is very polish with ideal dampening. The 146° of focus ring rotation is platonic for precision piece of work at 70mm with adjustments happening slightly fast at 200mm, though not problematically so. The subject framing ever remains nicely centered for a good overall manual focusing experience. The focus ring existence positioned to the rear of the zoom ring is not my preferred design.

Tamron's first 70-200mm f/two.8 Di Lens (we'll call information technology the G0) included the term "Macro" in its name. While I wouldn't deem it a true "macro" lens, information technology did have a very-loftier-for-a-zoom-lens 0.32x MM (Maximum Magnification) spec. The G1 dropped the macro designation and the MM spec besides dropped to a rather low 0.13x. While I all the same don't consider a 0.16x MM very loftier, the G2 has been improved over the G1 in this regard (our tests show that the G2 tin can be focused fifty-fifty closer than its spec indicates) and this difference tin be all that is needed for tightly framed headshots and similar.

Post-obit is a comparative await at the specs of some similar lenses. Interesting is how the dissimilar MFDs chronicle to the different MMs in this list.

Model MFD MM
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS Ii USM Lens 47.2" (1200mm) 0.21x
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E AF-Southward FL VR Lens 43.iii" (1100mm) 0.21x
Sigma seventy-200mm f/2.8 EX DG Os HSM Lens 55.i" (1400mm) 0.13x
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.viii Di VC USD G2 Lens 37.4" (950mm) 0.16x
Tamron 70-200mm f/ii.8 Di VC USD Lens 51.2" (1300mm) 0.13x
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.viii Di Macro Lens 37.four" (950mm) 0.32x

A sure sign that spring has arrived is when the snakes come out. Subsequently bringing this cute little band-necked snake into the house for my daughter (don't worry, she loves snakes), she idea it might be more attractive in a bloom setting (likely most would agree). I thought it might be another opportunity to employ the Tamron 70-200 G2, this time demonstrating its MM capabilities.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Maximum Magnification Examples

This image was captured at 200mm, f/2.8 at the lens' MFD. The crocus flowers are about 5" (127mm) alpine.

This image again nicely demonstrates this lens' ability to erase the background details. Yous probably wouldn't guess that the groundwork is an asphalt driveway if I didn't tell you. The flowers were in the absurd-toned shade and the driveway was being lit past warm-toned late-twenty-four hours sunlight.

To reduce the MFD and thereby increment the MM, mountain an extension tube backside this lens. Infinity and long altitude focusing are sacrificed with an ET in employ, merely some modest MM increase can be realized using ETs behind this lens.

New with the Tamron 150-600mm f/5-six.3 Di VC G2 Lens was a pair of, initially, defended teleconverters. The good news is that these teleconverters are no longer dedicated because they are besides uniform with the 70-200 G2. The TCs feature i.4x and 2.0x magnifications of the original focal lengths while retaining the original MFD, which translates directly into ane.4x and 2x college MM specs.

Here is a look at the TCs mounted behind this lens:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens with Teleconverter

The addition of a Tamron TC-X14 1.4x Teleconverter creates an attractive full frame 98-280mm VC lens with a 1-stop narrower max aperture (f/4). While the focal length versatility provided past the TC is very overnice, magnifying the image by 1.4x does not go unnoticed in the image quality. Nevertheless, end down to f/5.half dozen or f/viii and the results are looking nice.

While this lens is modestly sharper wide open at wider-than-200mm focal lengths and the with-extender results will appear similarly improved at these focal lengths, the reason for using an extender is to gain a longer focal length than is natively available in the lens and that means whatever with-extender focal length below the 143mm focal length mark can exist better-served without the extender in place. There are times when the full with-extender focal length range is desired, but the near focal length increase with a teleconverter is obtained at the 200mm setting. Thus, I feel that the with-teleconverter results at 200mm are the most important to consider. The TC-X14 1.4x increases LatCA modestly and has a negligible effect on linear baloney.

With the TC-X14 mounted behind the 70-200 G2, autofocus speed remains good and I encountered no focus hunting in even low light weather.

Use the Tamron TC-X20 2x Teleconverter to create a 140-400mm VC Lens with two-stops of aperture loss. Fortunately, fifty-fifty with a 2-terminate max aperture reduction, this is even so a very-reasonable-for-400mm f/5.6 max discontinuity lens. I am seldom enamored with the performance of 2x teleconverters and you will non likely find the 400mm f/v.six image quality acceptable. Withal, stop downward to f/8 or f/11 and ... the results are great at all. And, f/8 is wide plenty and still very useful for the wildlife and sports photography that these focal lengths are especially well suited for if the lighting conditions are relatively brilliant.

With the 2x TC mounted, LatCA is increased slightly and the natively nowadays pocket-size 200mm pincushion baloney is substantially erased. With an f/five.6 max aperture, this combo volition withal autofocus on any DSLRs using conventional phase detection AF. While the 2x has a slight impact on AF speed, it is relatively mild and I again encountered no focus hunting in even depression calorie-free atmospheric condition.

Build Quality & Features

This is the second Tamron "G2" lens I've reviewed (the Tamron 150-600mm f/v-6.3 Di VC USD G2 Lens was kickoff) and I keep to appreciate the modernized blueprint of these lenses. From the streamlined shape to the multiple shades of matte blackness cease to the modern font used for the markings, this lens looks great and feels just at least equally nice.

As mentioned at the beginning of the review, this G2 is Tamron's third version of the seventy-200mm f/2.8 Di Lens. Here is a await at these three lenses, showing obvious progression in styling.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Lens Version Comparison

Recall the onetime push-pull manual focus date system? The G0 had it. Featuring USD AF, the G1 gave upward that feature and likely no one misses information technology. The G2 takes this lens blueprint to a new level and being great-looking is simply ane aspect of it.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Product Images

The lens seems quite well built with a loftier quality feel and the metallic exterior of the master trunk aids in this.

Equally is common with lenses of this class, the Tamron 70-200 G2 does non alter size when zooming. The zoom and focus rings rotate in the Nikon-standard direction, opposite of the Catechism standard and Catechism shooters will need to acclimate to this directional alter. It is not natural for us to go the other direction.

Notice where the zoom ring is positioned relative to the tripod band foot? The foot is the residue point of the lens with camera mounted (or shut to it). Generally, I prefer to hold a lens at the balance point with my left hand while photographing handheld. The foot rotates out of the way (or can exist removed), so that feature is non a problem (and the depression contour foot as well provides a nice grip location). But, I am not able to attain the zoom band with my fingers from this position.

While it is easy to achieve the focus ring with my left paw property the lens counterbalanced, I am much more often using the zoom ring when handholding the lens, such as when tracking a sports discipline. I let the camera handle the focusing chore while I concentrate on framing. Unfortunately for zoom-ring-frontwards large lens designs such every bit this one, the lens needs to be held forward of the remainder bespeak and that ways the correct hand must assist with grip and support, and that is non optimal.

When shooting from a tripod or monopod, the zoom ring location is not an upshot. The zoom band location is also a non-outcome if focal length adjustments are not needed or not needed in haste.

From the positive side, the zoom ring is nicely sized, quite shine and zooms at a relatively fast rate.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Weather Sealing

This is a weather-sealed lens with gasketing illustrated above and the rear mountain gasket shown below. The front chemical element is fluorine-coated to avoid dirt adherence and to make cleaning very easy.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Mount

A seventy-200mm f/2.8 zoom lens requires a lot of heavy lens elements and a significant-sized frame to house them. That translates to a substantial overall size and weight. While the G2 is chart-topping for its weight, it is but very slightly heavier than every other lens in its form and information technology is also like to the rest in size.

Model Weight Dimensions westward/o Hood Filter Year
Catechism EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Lens 52.6 oz (1490g) iii.5 ten 7.eight" (88.8 x 199.0mm) 77mm 2010
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E AF-S FL VR Lens l.5 oz (1430g) 3.5 x 8.0" (88.5 x 202.5mm) 77mm 2016
Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM Lens fifty.five oz (1430g) iii.4 x 7.eight" (86.four x 197.6mm) 77mm 2011
Tamron lxx-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens 52.9 oz (1500g) iii.5 10 7.half dozen" (87.9 10 193.0mm) 77mm 2017
Tamron seventy-200mm f/ii.8 Di VC USD Lens 51.9 oz (1470g) 3.4 x 7.iv" (85.eight x 188.3mm) 77mm 2012
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.eight Di Macro Lens 46.half-dozen oz (1320g) 3.5 x 7.6" (90.0 x 194.0mm) 77mm 2008

For many more comparisons, review the complete Tamron lxx-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Specifications using the site's Lens Spec tool.

When using whatever one of these lenses, you volition know that there is something in your hands and, if you lot employ 1 for several hours at a time, y'all will likely have tired arms and shoulders afterwards. Nonetheless, these are one of the most useful classes of lenses bachelor and ... they are worth the effort to use.

Here is a visual lxx-200mm f/two.8 lens comparison:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Compared to Similar Lenses

Positioned above from left to right are the following lenses:

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.viii Di VC USD G2 Lens
Sigma 70-200mm f/2.viii EX DG OS HSM Lens
Catechism EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS Ii USM Lens
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E AF-Due south FL VR Lens

The same lenses are shown below with their hoods in place.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Compared to Similar Lenses with Hoods

Use the site'southward production image comparison tool to visually compare the Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens to other lenses.

A lens of this size and weight creates a very front end-heavy situation for a tripod-mounted camera. Thus, all 70-200mm f/ii.8 lenses I've used came with a tripod ring included, providing a counterbalanced attachment point. The G2 sports a very compact, lightweight, however quite rigid (important) magnesium tripod band design with a feature that especially stands out: it has a born universal lens plate. No longer must an accompaniment plate be caused for this purpose and the lack of a plate keeps the lens especially meaty.

The tripod ring has decent smoothness if not loosened too much (some wobbling otherwise comes into play), though this attribute is hindered by some bumping felt from the removal feature'south slots at certain points in the rotation. At that place is niggling or no sideslip-stick felt even when locked nearly tight. To remove the tripod ring, remove the lens from the camera, loosen the lock screw, align the marks and slide the ring from the mounted end of the lens. I did non find it necessary to remove this tripod ring as information technology has a very low profile and I establish that rotating the foot out of the way was sufficient. That this tripod ring weighs only 3.7 oz (105g), (downwards from 6.5 oz / 185g), means the weight of the band is a minimal cistron in this choice.

From viewing the above chart, one may think that 77mm filter threads are a requirement on this class of lens as they all feature this thread size. While this is not the smallest filter size available (and larger generally means more expensive), that then many lenses employ 77mm threads increases the probability that filters can exist shared.

Tamron, every bit usual, includes the lens hood in the box. This is a relatively large, semi-flexible, ribbed-interior, plastic hood with narrow dimensions that keeps the overall dimensions meaty even when reversed.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Case

Tamron includes a suede-similar lens pouch with a rigid/padded lesser. While this example offers some protection from dust and scratches, some other option should be considered for impact protection. Lowepro's Lens Cases are one of my favorite choices for single lens storage, transport and carry.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Cap

Tamron TAP-in Console

The Tamron seventy-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens is uniform with the Tamron TAP-in Panel. The TAP-in Console is basically a USB dock in the grade of a robust lens mount cap with electric contacts and a USB port that enables the lens to be connected to a reckoner.

Once the lens is attached to the dock and the dock attached to the estimator, the TAP-in Utility software app communicates with the lens and so checks for whatsoever available firmware updates. If an update is available, a dialog box is presented, providing the pick to update the lens. There take been a number of Tamron lens firmware updates released recently, addressing compatibility and other issues. Having the TAP-in Panel makes those updates very fast and easy, peculiarly compared to the alternative of aircraft a lens to a service center.

Tamron TAP-in Console

Within the TAP-in Utility app, near will discover the first tab, Focus Adjustment, to be the most important. Autofocus adjustments can be fabricated at iv focal lengths with iii focus distance adjustments available at each focal length for a total of 12 adjustments available (I made up the adjustment numbers in the example shown in a higher place). The focus Limiter tab provides the ability to customize the autofocus distance range (for the non-total-range switch position just). The last tab, Miscellaneous, provides command over full time transmission focus override and the VC mode.

Price and Value

When you compare the performance of this lens to the Catechism and Nikon alternatives and so compare the prices, the Tamron G2 appears to be a good deal. While it is not a cheap lens, when the usefulness of the 70-200 G2 is considered, the price tag again seems quite value-oriented.

The Tamron lxx-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens is available in Catechism EF (reviewed) and Nikon F mounts. My standard disclaimer: There are potential bug with third political party lenses. Since Tamron reverse engineers (vs. licenses) manufacturer electronics and algorithms, in that location is always the possibility that a DSLR body might not back up a (likely older) 3rd political party lens. Usually a lens can be fabricated compatible by the manufacturer via a firmware update, but this cannot be guaranteed. Compatibility with the Tamron Tap-In Console is risk reducing every bit Tamron can release firmware updates for console-compatible lenses. Tamron USA's express 6-year warranty is superior to most.

The evaluation lens was online-retail-sourced.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Top View

Alternatives to the Tamron seventy-200mm f/2.eight Di VC USD G2 Lens

The biggest lens manufacturers all have seventy-200mm f/two.8 lens models in their lineups. The standout differences are that the Canon selection costs about 50% more and the Nikon and Sony options are most 2x equally expensive. And, that immediately places one big determination factor squarely in the Tamron G2's favor.

Sigma's current selection is similar in toll to the G2 and, at least as of review time, the Tamron G1 and G0 both remain available with lower price tags.

At review time, the Tamron G2 is the just pick compatible with a USB dock and the only option featuring Manner three vibration bounty. The Tamron G2 also has a i-stop higher-rated VC system than the other stabilized models. Sigma's current selection is similar in toll to the G2 and, at to the lowest degree as of review time, the Tamron G1 and G0 both remain bachelor with lower price tags. For a majority of this site's readers, the Canon EF 70-200mm f/ii.8L IS II USM Lens is the first choice comparison. This is a great lens that I use a lot. In the Tamron G2 vs. Catechism IS Ii image quality comparison at f/2.8, the Catechism is mostly slightly sharper in the centre of the frame (particularly at 70mm and 200mm) and the Tamron is slightly sharper in the periphery. Results are more similar at f/four with the Tamron continuing to hold the border in the corners.

The Canon has less vignetting. Per the previous discussion, the Canon's zoom band is positioned behind the focus band, making the lens easier to zoom during handheld use. Canon is the only 70-200mm lens maker to provide this blueprint. The Canon has i less discontinuity blade (8 vs. 9), has a 1" (25.4cm) wider focus ring and has a higher MM (0.21x vs. 0.16x) at a longer MFD (47.two" vs. 37.four" / 1200mm vs. 950mm).

A majority of Nikon camera owners will be making the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E AF-S FL VR Lens their primary comparison choice. These ii lenses are rather similar from a sharpness perspective, merely the Nikon shows more f/ii.8 colour aberrations in our lab exam results. The Nikon has slightly less vignetting and has a higher MM (0.21x vs. 0.16x) at a longer MFD (43.iii" vs. 37.iv" / 1100mm vs. 950mm). The Nikon'south focus ring is twice equally broad and unique to this class of lenses is that the Nikon has focus-stop buttons.

On toll par with the Tamron G2 is the Sigma 70-200mm f/two.8 EX DG Bone HSM Lens. In the Tamron G2 vs. Sigma EX DG OS Lens comparing, the Tamron proves itself substantially sharper and especially so in the periphery. The Sigma shows slightly more flare and has a modestly lower MM (0.13x vs. 0.16x) at a longer MFD (55.1" vs. 37.4" / 1400mm vs. 950mm). The Sigma does not have a focus limiter switch, is slightly lighter (1375g vs. 1540g) and is not weather sealed.

It seems logical that the Tamron seventy-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Lens will exist discontinued with the arrival of the G2, merely at least initially, information technology is still available. Though the list price remains the same, a significant instant rebate makes the G1 worth considering for those on a tight budget. In the Tamron G2 vs. G1 comparison, we observe the G1 property up well in comparison, but it is yet bested by the G2, peculiarly in some of the peripheral comparisons. The G1 has a modestly lower MM (0.13x vs. 0.16x) at a longer MFD (ane.2" vs. 37.four" / 1400mm vs. 950mm) and has no focus limiter. The G2 has many other advantages including a modernized pattern and improved AF system.

Surprising to me is that the 9-years-older Tamron 70-200mm f/2.eight Di Macro Lens is yet available and it is priced considerably lower. In the Tamron G2 vs. G0 comparison, we discover the G0 competing well at 70mm, but not very well in the mid and periphery at the longer focal lengths. The G2 shows less flare and slightly less flare at 70mm. The G0 has no atmospheric condition sealing, no VC and a much older blueprint. The G2'due south improved AF system solitary is quite valuable.

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens Front View on Camera


Most will notice an optically stabilized seventy-200mm f/2.8 lens filling a crucial function in their kits. This class of lens is one of my virtually-used and nigh-important.

While I take camera and lens marketing statements with a grain of table salt, Tamron in this case delivered on the "... enhanced optical functioning, improved VC (Vibration Compensation), faster AF speed and accurateness, and shortened MOD (Minimum Object Distance) ..." promise. The Tamron 70-200mm f/2.viii Di VC USD G2 Lens pattern is both visually bonny and functionally very squeamish. This lens delivers accurate autofocusing and remarkable epitome quality for an ideal combination that translates to dependably swell results. The depression price volition seal the deal for many.

Bringing you this site is my full-fourth dimension chore (typically 60-80 hours per week). Thus, I depend solely on the commissions received from you using the links on this site to make whatever purchase. I am grateful for your support! - Bryan

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