Tom Must Take the Art History Exam Even Though He Is Sleep Deprived

Check out the Found My Fitness Episode Page & Evidence Notes

Watch the episode here

Key Takeaways

  • Deep slumber is essential for cementing memories and information
  • REM (rapid centre movement)/dream sleep helps to form connections between recently learned information and our unabridged back catalog of memories
  • If you lot're thinking virtually pulling an all nighter to study for an exam…don't
  • Playing the same sound at a sub-threshold awakening level while you learn and slumber seems to improve memory retention
  • Here's what happens when you don't get enough slumber:
    • Your regulation of blood glucose is profoundly impaired
    • "In my lab, the most reliable thing we see when nosotros deprive people of sleep of any dose – feet goes up"
    • Men who are sleeping 5 hours or less a night volition take a level of testosterone that of x years their senior
    • Your gamble of developing Alzheimer's affliction skyrockets
    • In ane report, participants restricted to 4 hours of sleep for merely Ane night experienced a 70% reduction in natural killer cell activeness
      • Natural killer cells are a critical part of your immune defense arsenal
    • When you're slumber deprived, you accept a lowered desire for social proximity and social interaction
      • You're also more likely to appear as a "lone person" when sleep deprived and people are less probable to engage with you
      • "Beingness lonely increases your mortality hazard by 45%" – so being lonely is twice every bit risky for your death business concern every bit obesity
    • Relative to a person with a total night'southward slumber, the amygdala (the emotional function of the brain) is 60% more reactive under weather condition of a lack of sleep
      • And on top of that – sleep deprivation shuts down the prefrontal cortex's communication with the amygdala (the prefrontal cortex acts as a intermission on the gas pedal of your emotions)
  • People with insomnia have an amplified fight or flight nervous organization (aka the sympathetic nervous system)
  • As nosotros age, the amount of deep sleep nosotros get decreases
    • By the fourth dimension you're fifty, you lot're getting about l% less deep sleep compared to your teens
  • When sleep trackers are compared to actual data gathered in lab sleep studies – "they're not quite accurate"
    • This includes the Oura Band
  • Here'south how typical sleep cycles work:
    • Deep non-REM sleep always comes earlier REM sleep
    • This repeats every xc minutes throughout the night
      • Equally the dark goes on, the ratio of REM to non-REM/deep sleep changes
        • In the get-go one-half of the night, the majority of those 90 minute cycles are comprised of lots of deep sleep, and fiddling REM
        • In the 2nd half, you go much more than REM sleep and little deep slumber
        • And so….if you typically get to bed at 12 AM and wake up at 8 AM, just take to wake up at 6 AM one morning – yes you've lost 25% of your slumber duration, but you lot've lost perhaps 80% of your REM sleep
          • The same happens if you go to bed too late – yous miss out on valuable deep sleep
  • Sleep tips:
    • Aim to get lots of light during the day and lots of darkness at night
      • An hour earlier bed, it's a expert idea to dim or turn off near of the lights in your house
      • Avoid blue light also close to bedtime (specifically the hour before bed)
    • For you to fall asleep and stay asleep, your body has to driblet its core temperature ane °C (2-3 °F)
      • To help lower your core body temperature – take a hot bath/shower before bed (or use the sauna)
        • Why? – When you go into a hot bath, you lot get massive vasodilation
          • All the claret vessels open up up on the surface of your pare – this results in a rush of blood from the cadre of your torso to the surface, so your skin/hands/feet act as a thermal radiator and misemploy trunk heat, thus lowering your cadre trunk temperature
          • Wearing socks to bed also does something like
      • Endeavor to set your sleeping accommodation temperature between 63 to 66 °F
    • Don't stay in bed if you tin can't autumn asleep
    • Know that booze suppresses REM slumber
      • (So does cannabis – specifically the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis (tetrahydrocannabinol -THC) – although it may reduce the fourth dimension it takes yous to fall asleep)
      • Related:
        • Low doses of cannabidiol (CBD) seem to promote wakefulness
        • Loftier doses of CBD seems to aid people slumber more consistently
    • Avoid caffeine after midday

Products Mentioned

  • Rhonda uses Phillips Hue calorie-free bulbs throughout her business firm which smooth red light starting ~5 PM (information technology's essentially the reverse of blue light – it'south similar to darkness)
  • In studies where participants wore a specialized temperature controlled suit which lowered their core body temperature, they barbarous asleep quicker and deep sleep amounts increased 10-20%
    • Considering of this, Dr. Walker thinks something like a Chilipad might be able to increment the time you spend in deep sleep and aid you lot autumn asleep faster. (Use code PodcastNotes25 for 25% off a ChiliPad or PodcastNotes15 for 15% off an Ooler)


  • Dr. Matthew Walker (@sleepdiplomat) is the author of Why We Sleep and professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley
    • Rhonda HIGHLY recommends the book – we practice also
    • Check out Dr. Walker's website
    • Check out the Podcast Notes from his appearance on Joe Rogan, equally well as the Podcast Notes from his advent on The Jordan Straw Show
      • His Joe Rogan podcast won our 2018 Podcast of the Year Award
  • The cyclic rhythm has many genetic components, some of which you can measure with 23andMe and Ancestory DNA
    • If y'all've done 1 of these tests, you lot can run your raw information through the free circadian report at
  • Check out FMF Clips
    • They're Youtube clips from the Institute My Fitness podcast (including this one)

Slumber and Learning

  • Sleep seems to be important in three means:
    • You lot need slumber prior to learning to prep the brain for soaking upwards new information/laying down new memory traces
    • Y'all need sleep subsequently learning to have those new memories, especially in the hippocampus region of the brain (aka the informational inbox of the brain), and substantially hit the save button on them
      • This consolidates the memory/what you learned
      • What's really happening? – It's almost like in that location's a file transfer going on
        • Memories are shifted from the short-term/vulnerable storage reservoir (the hippocampus – which acts like a USB stick) and moved to the long-term storage site in the encephalon (the cortex – which acts like a computer difficult bulldoze)
          • A side do good of this – the hippocampus (the USB stick) is cleared, and so the adjacent twenty-four hour period you tin can start acquiring new files/memories/information
      • "You lot can't cheat sleep on either side of the memory equation"
    • Y'all need REM (rapid centre motility sleep)/dream sleep for a few reasons:
      • "It's a trivial bit like group therapy for memories"
      • REM sleep fuses the information you lot've recently learned with your entire dorsum catalog of memories
        • "REM slumber is essentially creating a revised mind wide web of associations"
      • During the day, our brain makes obvious connections
        • Just during REM sleep, this is where nosotros really make those bizarre connections
        • Here's how Dr. Walker explains information technology:
          • During the mean solar day, it'due south like a Google search gone right. Y'all search something, and what you lot encounter what'due south on folio 1 of the search results. Just during REM slumber, it'due south like you lot search something and leap straight to folio 20.
          • "We now understand that information technology'southward REM sleep that helps up come with remarkable artistic insights into previously impenetrable problems"
  • Permit's recap:
    • Deep slumber is about knowledge – gathering data and holding on to it
    • REM slumber is about wisdom – knowing what it all ways when you fit it together

Does pulling an all nighter ever brand sense?

  • "You can't pull an all-nighter and hope to exist able to continue to learn"
  • Dr. Walker describes a study he and his enquiry team did:
    • Ii groups were created: a well-rested group (aka the sleep group) who had a full 8 hours remainder and a sleep deprived group who were kept awake all nighttime with no caffeine
    • The next twenty-four hour period, everyone in the study was placed inside an MRI scanner and instructed to acquire a list of new facts
    • The sleep deprived grouping was 40% more deficient in their learning ability – so they learned 40% less (this is the departure between acing and failing an exam)
    • In the group of people who had a full dark of sleep, there was lots of healthy learning related action in the hippocampus
      • In the sleep deprived group, there was none – "It's almost like sleep impecuniousness served to shut down your memory inbox and any new incoming files were being bounced"
        • Why? – It's hypothesized that the hippocampus has a limited storage capacity (like a USB stick)
        • In humans, it seems we only have a 16 hr recording capacity for data acquisition before nosotros have to sleep

During Sleep Your Brain "Replays" What You Learned That Day

  • Dr. Walker recalls a written report done with rats:
    • Electrodes were placed on the hippocampus region of a rat's brain
    • As the rat ran around the maze and learned its format, individual cells in the hippocampus would fire, and spatially code which function of the maze the rat was in – Dissimilar cells were mapping different parts of the journey
    • Electrode activation was able to be linked to a specific sound – this created a certain audio blueprint played as the rat went through the maze
      • That Aforementioned audio design was heard (merely at 10-20x the speed) once the rat started sleeping – indicating the rat'southward encephalon was replaying the sequence of the maze/what they learned almost it
        • And then the Aforementioned electrical pattern in the rat's brain was played while they were sleeping every bit when they were learning the maze, simply much faster
        • What phase of sleep did this occur in? – Deep sleep

How Sound Can Improve Memory Retention

  • If you lot were to effort to learn the spatial location of certain objects on a screen…
    • And later on a nighttime of sleep, you'd be asked:
      • Did you call up seeing this object?
      • Where was it on the screen?
    • If certain sounds were played when sure objects were shown (like the sound a moo-cow makes if a cow was shown) and those aforementioned sounds were replayed while you slept…
      • Compared to objects/sounds that were not replayed while you slept, your memory retention would exist about 2x meliorate
      • (The sounds take to be played at a "sub-threshold awakening sound level so as non to wake you/disrupt your sleep)

Written report Tips

  • Given how playing sure sounds while you sleep improves retentiveness retentiveness…
    • Possibly y'all should report while listening to a series of songs. And then, while you're sleeping, replay those aforementioned songs at a very low volume.
  • If you written report in the aforementioned room you plan to take an test in, you'll perform better
    • Why? – You'll subconsciously use cues from effectually the room as retentivity triggers to aid yous remember things meliorate
  • If you learn something, so sniff a certain odor – you'll associate what you learned with that odor
    • Then, while y'all're sleeping, the aroma is perfused upwards your nose, your retentiveness retention improves ii fold


  • Why do you only sometimes call up your dreams?
    • If y'all wake up during dream sleep, and and then go back to sleep, you lot're more than likely to call back what yous were dreaming about
    • Dr. Walker has a theory that we "think" all of our dreams, they're but not accessible
      • "What happens when we wake upwards is we lose the IP address to those memories"
      • "It'southward almost a scary prospect – perhaps every single one of our dreams nosotros've had in our lives are stored and determine our behavior to some caste"
  • Anybody dreams
    • Except for people who have a lesion in a certain part of the prefrontal cortex in their white thing (these are informational fiber tracks that communicate impulses)

Sleep and Loneliness

  • Dr. Walker merely published a study demonstrating that slumber loss can trigger viral loneliness. Here'due south what the report institute:
    • Sleep deprived people (with no sleep) , compared to those who get a total 8 hours, have more of a "social repulsion boundary"
      • What does this mean? – Information technology's just your willingness to tell someone they're getting too shut to you physically
        • For this reason, when you're slumber deprived, you have a lowered desire for social proximity and social interaction
      • What'southward going on here on the level of the brain?
        • The "warning" regions of the brain, in the parietal cortex and premotor cortex (aka the "stay away from me" network – it creates your comfort of boundary) became hyperactive when people were sleep deprived
    • Slumber deprivation shuts downward the parts of the brain which help y'all understand the intents of other people
    • You're more likely to appear as a "alone person" when slumber deprived
    • People are less probable to appoint/interact with you when y'all're sleep deprived
      • It'south due to a drove of things – appearance, song tone
    • Even reductions in sleep of infinitesimal to hours can predict how lone y'all experience yourself to be from one day to the next
    • So in summary:
      • When you're sleep deprived, you lot are less apt to associate with other people, and people observe you more socially repulsive – there'southward a push from both sides of the social died
  • A bit of background from other studies:
    • When you lot're sleep deprived, cortisol (the stress hormone) increases, at that place'due south a shift in insulin/glucose regulation, and anxiety increases
    • Sleep deprived animals seem to isolate themselves
  • Facts
    • There is a massive epidemic of loneliness in industrialized nations
    • "Being lone increases your mortality risk past 45%"
      • Then beingness lonely is twice as risky for your death business than obesity
    • Rhonda recalls a study showing that loneliness increases the expression of many pro-inflammatory genes
    • When you get lonely, your factor expression shifts you away from a profile of immunity that usually deals with viruses and pushes you more than towards a bacterial defense profile
      • Viruses can but be transmitted from ane person to another by way of touch
      • Bacteria on the other hand, can live exterior the body

Slumber and Emotions

  • Relative to person with a full nighttime's sleep, the amygdala (the emotional function of the encephalon) is 60% more reactive under conditions of a lack of sleep
    • And on top of that – sleep deprivation shuts downward the prefrontal cortex's communication with the amygdala (the prefrontal cortex acts equally a break on the gas pedal of your emotions)
      • (The prefrontal cortex is like the CEO of your emotions/hedonic impulses)
  • The above is similar to the signature of many psychiatric conditions
    • "We have not been able to discover a single psychiatric condition in which slumber is normal. Sleep has a PROFOUND story to tell in our understanding, and maybe fifty-fifty our treatment, of grave mental illness."
    • "It'south ever been documented that sleep disturbance goes hand in hand with psychiatric disturbance."
  • Permit'southward add together…
    • Certain genes predispose you to anxiety
      • So if you're a highly anxious person, and sleep deprived….uh oh – you lot're the about vulnerable to a lack of sleep and its furnishings on emotional command
        • This is troublesome because anxiety itself tin can contribute to a lack of slumber

Indisposition and Cortisol

  • In that location are 2 types (not mutually exclusive):
    • Difficulty falling asleep (sleep onset indisposition)
    • Difficulty staying asleep (sleep maintenance indisposition)
  • You constantly see an amplified fight or flight nervous system (the sympathetic nervous system) in people with indisposition
    • The sympathetic nervous organization regulates cortisol release
      • At night, our cortisol levels typically autumn
        • People with indisposition don't become as significant every bit a cortisol drop (information technology really rises)
      • Throughout the night cortisol drops even farther
        • In people with sleep maintenance insomnia, at that place's a cortisol fasten during the nighttime, causing them to wake up
  • Meditation seems to help fight insomnia
    • Why? – Meditation helps settle the overactive sympathetic nervous organisation
  • 6 hours of vivid light exposure during the mean solar day has been shown to lower cortisol past 25%

The Circadian Rhythm and Low-cal

  • Everyone is wired to accept a dip in their alertness level come mid-afternoon
  • To align your circadian rhythm optimally (and so y'all're awake/active during the solar day, and sleepy at night), here's what you should know:
    • Get lots of daylight during the 24-hour interval and lots of darkness at dark
      • "We are a nighttime deprived society in the evening and a light deprived gild during the day"
      • Darkness triggers the release of melatonin (a hormone which tells your body it'due south time to sleep)
      • Try to go as much lite as you tin first thing in the morning time (aim for xxx-twoscore minutes) – Exercise NOT wear sunglasses
        • Your optics need the lite
        • In the afternoon though, get ahead and wear sunglasses, especially the later in the afternoon it gets
        • Even on a cloudy day, the lux intensity of light far exceeds that from y'all'd have from lite inside a building – so just get outside more than!
        • At night, but turn off most of the lights in your firm the hour earlier bed
    • Other tips:
      • Rhonda uses Phillips Hue light bulbs throughout her business firm which shine red light starting ~5 PM (it'southward essentially the contrary of blue light – it'south similar to darkness)
  • Every bit you age, your circadian rhythm gets weaker
    • And then y'all feel sleepier during the mean solar day and not equally tired at night

Sleep and Temperature

  • "Temperature is as powerful a trigger of slumber arrangement and sleep depth as calorie-free is"
  • For y'all to fall asleep and stay asleep, your torso has to drop its core temperature ane °C (2-three °F)
  • Hunter gather tribes tend to go to bed around 8-9 PM (when the temperature starts to drib shortly afterward sunset)
    • They typically wake upwardly 15-twenty minutes before dawn when the temperature starts to ascension
  • In studies where participants wore a specialized temperature controlled conform which lowered their core trunk temperature, they roughshod asleep quicker and deep sleep amounts increased 10-20%
    • Because of this, Dr. Walker thinks something like a Chilipad might be able to increase the time y'all spend in deep sleep and assistance you lot autumn comatose faster. (Utilise PodcastNotes25 for 25% off a Chilipad or PodcastNotes15 for 15% off an Ooler)
  • Another tip  – take a hot bath/shower before bed (or use the sauna)
    • Why? – When yous go into a hot bathroom, you lot get massive vasodilation
      • All the blood vessels open up up on the surface of your skin – this results in a rush of blood from the core of your body to the surface, so your skin/hands/anxiety act as a thermal radiator and misemploy body heat, thus lowering your core trunk temperature
      • Wearing socks to bed too acts to do something similar

Saunas, Exercise, the Immune System, and Sleep

  • One of the ways you can induce sleep is to increase the trunk's immune factors (cytokines, tumor necrosis factor blastoff (TNF-alpha) , interleukin-6 (IL-6) , interleukin -1 (IL-one)
    • And….sauna employ has been shown to increase a variety of these
  • If you inject an fauna with a pathogen, it creates an immune antibody response (aka a cytokine pour)
    • Those cytokines communicate with the hypothalamus which regulates slumber
    • This immune cascade triggers an increase in sleep
      • This is why when nosotros're ill, we get sleepier
  • Building off the above – here'southward how exercise might help your sleep
    • Exercise results in acute production of proinflammatory cytokines
  • For more on the link between sauna employ, exercise and IL-vi check out these Podcast Notes

Getting Back to Our Origins – How much sleep exercise we need?

  • Between 7-ix hours
  • But information technology's been found that when you isolate people, with no electricity, no alarm clocks (substantially accept them go camping) – they tend to slumber closer to 9 hours
    • In experiments like this, people likewise tended to go to bed earlier, and wake upwards before
  • The term "midnight" originated from the thought that it was really …the middle of the night/sleep cycle
    • Now information technology'southward when most people check social media for the last time

A Lack of Sleep and the Immune System

  • In 1 study, participants restricted to 4 hours of sleep for but ONE night experienced a 70% reduction in natural killer cell activity
    • Natural killer cells are a disquisitional part of your immune defense arsenal
  • If you typically get less than 6 hours of slumber a night, your risk for a diversity of cancers (bowel, prostate, breast, and more) increases
  • The link betwixt a lack of slumber and cancer is now then strong that the World Wellness Organization recently classified whatever form of night shift work as a probable carcinogen
  • It'due south been found that if you're getting five-vi hours of sleep a dark the week prior to getting a influenza shot, you only produce ~one-half of the normal antibody response, rendering the flu shot largely useless
    • The flu virus costs the United states of america ~$x billion every year

Sleep and Alzheimer's Disease

  • Rhonda has one copy of the ApoE4 allele (25% of the U.S. population has at to the lowest degree 1 allele) – it's but a cistron, you tin can see how many alleles you take with a 23andMe DNA test
    • People with i allele have a two-iii fold college risk of Alzheimer's Disease
    • People with two alleles have a ten-xv fold higher chance of Alzheimer'due south Disease
  • The build up of ii proteins seem to contribute to Alzheimer'due south illness:
    • Beta-amyloid – leading to amyloid plaques
    • Tau protein – leading to "tau tangles"
  • Allow's examine beta-amyloid more closely:
    • Information technology seems to build up in certain areas of the encephalon more others
      • One of the primeval places it builds up- the medial prefrontal cortex
        • The principal epicenter that generates your deep slumber sits at this same spot – it's been constitute that the more than beta-amyloid builds upwards, the less deep sleep you go, and the more than blunted your learning/retention ability becomes
          • And remember the role that deep slumber serves? – It helps to cement memories
          • Related – Equally we age, the amount of deep sleep we get decreases
            • It starts to decline as early as your 20s
            • By the time you're 50, you're getting about 50% less deep sleep compared to your teens
            • By the time you're seventy, y'all're getting about 5% of the deep sleep you were getting in your teens
            • And 80….you're inappreciably getting any
  • But how nearly the contrary? – Good sleep seems to reduce the build up of amyloid plaques
    • How? Dr. Walker explains:
      • The glymphatic system is essentially the sewage system of the brain – it clears away "gunk"
      • During deep sleep, brain cells compress by 60%, creating huge channels for the glymphatic system to clear away the metabolic waste of the encephalon through the squirting of cerebral spinal fluid
        • Through a pulsatile machinery, there'southward a 10-xx% increment in the "squirting" of cerebral spinal fluid through the brain during sleep which washes abroad the brain's metabolic byproducts
          • And 1 of those metabolic byproducts? – Beta-amyloid
  • How bad does it get?
    • Just depriving someone of deep sleep (past playing sure tones/sounds, which won't wake yous upwards, but will have y'all out of deep sleep) for I dark, will event in a rise in the corporeality of beta-amyloid in the brain by 25-30%
  • Related:
    • People who have even one Apoe4 allele have a significant risk of sleep apnea (heavy snoring and cessation of breathing, causing you to wake up)
      • Sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular affliction, stroke, diabetes, and obesity
      • People with sleep apnea have lowered amounts of deep sleep
  • In summary:
    • Insufficient slumber is i of the virtually significant lifestyle factors that contributes to Alzheimer's affliction

Slumber Trackers and The Oura Band

  • Purchase a ring using our link for a $50 discount applied at checkout
  • How authentic is it? It'south just a band – are the levels of deep sleep, REM sleep, and light slumber information technology gives you lot accurate?
    • Information technology calculates all these through some sort of algorithm combining center rate and your torso's movement
    • "Correct at present, I don't think there's any one [slumber tracker] that's better than the others. None of them take published scientific prove."
    • When sleep trackers are compared to bodily data gathered in lab sleep studies – "they're not quite accurate"
      • The most accurate of the measurements – slumber elapsing
      • Their ability to summate REM, deep slumber etc. – ehhhhh – Dr, Walker estimates it's about sixty% accurate, possibly lower
        • But they're getting better…

More than Benefits of REM Slumber

  • It acts as "emotional start aid"
    • "It's not fourth dimension that heals all wound, just time spent during REM sleep"
    • Dr Walker explained this more in these Podcast Notes
  • REM slumber also acts to increase centre charge per unit variability (HRV) which is used as a metric of health issue
    • Loftier HRV is adept

The 4 Pillars of Sleep

  • (Dr. Walker is planning some other book almost this)
  • Depth/Quality
    • This has to do with the brain waves produced during the different stages of slumber (you need the electric brain moving ridge stimulation from ALL stages)
  • Duration
    • seven-9 hours, not-negotiable
  • Continuity
    • This has to do with waking up during the nighttime, which you want to reduce
    • You don't desire fragmented sleep
      • 8 hours continuous sleep > 8 hours of sleep in a 9 hour window
  • Regularity
    • Go to bed and wake up at the same time, every…single….twenty-four hour period


  • This is the term which describes whether yous're a night owl, a morning person (a morning lark), or somewhere in the middle
    • ~30% of people are morn larks, 30% night owls, and thirty-40% in the heart
  • Your chronotype is genetic
    • It'due south non your fault if y'all tin can't wake up at six AM 😉
  • How your chronotype relates to REM and deep sleep:
    • In typical sleep cycles, deep not-REM slumber always comes before REM sleep
      • It's not known why this is the case
    • This repeats every 90 minutes throughout the dark
      • As the night goes on, the ratio of REM to non-REM/deep sleep changes
        • In the first half of the night, the majority of those 90 minute cycles are comprised of lots of deep slumber, and little REM
        • In the second one-half, you get much more than REM sleep and little deep sleep
    • And so….if you lot typically go to bed at 12 AM and wake up at 8 AM, and have to wake up at 6 AM 1 morning – yep you've lost 25% of your sleep duration, but you've lost perchance lxxx% of your REM sleep
      • The same happens if y'all get to bed too late – you lot miss out on valuable deep sleep
      • (Here's an interesting betoken – many night owls, who are forced to wake upwards early for work, tend to experience higher rates of depression and anxiety. Why? Reduced amount of REM sleep.)
  • In summary – "Fighting your chronotype comes with deleterious wellness consequences"
    • These include – higher levels of c-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker), increased risk for metabolic diseases, higher long-term blood glucose levels, increased adventure of obesity, shorter telomeres

Sleep and Blood Glucose Regulation

  • People who sleep <7 hours/night take a much higher risk of developing type ii diabetes
  • After ane calendar week of getting 4-half-dozen hours of sleep a dark – "Your blood sugar levels are disrupted so significantly that your doctor would classify y'all as pre-diabetic"
    • This is calculated with an oral glucose tolerance test
    • Without sufficient sleep, the beta cells in your pancreas (which produce insulin – this is the hormone which shuttles glucose out of the blood and into the cells that demand it) have a reduced sensitivity to glucose spikes – so less insulin is released
    • AND – jail cell receptors throughout the body get less sensitive to insulin (so less glucose is shuttled into the cells)
  • What specifically is responsible for this reduction in the torso'due south ability to create/sense insulin?
    • The reduction in deep sleep
  • In summary – "Your regulation of blood glucose is profoundly impaired by a lack of sleep"

Information technology Gets Even Worse…

  • With a lack of slumber, your hunger hormones are very dumb
    • Leptin (the hormone that signals satiety/fullness) doesn't rise as high equally it should after a meal
    • Ghrelin (the hunger hormone) increases
  • When you're sleep deprived:
    • You tend to overeat (by 200-300 calories per meal) and snack much more than ofttimes
    • You choose to eat more starchy carbohydrates and sugary foods – these are the foods that really pb to weight gain
  • All of this leads to an increased risk of obesity

Sleep and the Microbiome

  • In that location are similarities betwixt the gut microbiomes of people who are obese and people who are sleep deprived (or jet lagged)
    • They take higher levels of a certain phylum of bacteria (Firmicutes) and lower levels of another phylum (Bacteroidetes)
  • Side note – leaner in the microbiome have their ain cyclic rhythm
  • Sleep deprivation leads to higher cortisol levels
    • Cortisol has been shown to produce microbiome imbalances (shifting to a more obesity-type profile)
  • The vagus nerve connects the gut to the brain – this is another possible way the gut biome is afflicted by sleep
    • Rhonda recalls a study examining a certain strain of bacteria (rhamnosus) which produces GABA in the gut (but GABA doesn't cantankerous the blood brain barrier – the brain has GABA though, it's made there) – through the vagus nerve, the brain was shown to increment production of GABA (which aids slumber quality)
  • Other cool gut biome facts
    • There have been studies showing that taking a probiotic loftier in the aforementioned strain of bacteria mentioned above (rhamnous) decreases anxiety

A Lack of Slumber Leads to Anxiety

  • "In my lab, the near reliable matter nosotros come across when we deprive people of sleep of any dose – anxiety goes up"
    • By 14-15 hours of wakefulness, feet increases
    • The farther yous go into sleep impecuniousness – the more anxious you lot go

Sleep Tips

  • Try to stay in nighttime environments at nighttime
    • This helps with the release of melatonin (which triggers the onset of sleep)
    • Start thinking about avoiding low-cal 3-iv hours before bed, but definitely the hour earlier bed
    • Avoid bluish light as well close to bed fourth dimension (specifically the hour before bed)
      • Use f.lux if you lot have to utilise your calculator (but try to avoid doing then)
      • One hour of iPad (or any phone) use before bed has been shown to blunt melatonin levels by 20% and delay peak melatonin levels past 3 hours
        • Information technology besides resulted in less REM sleep
  • Endeavor to prepare your chamber temperature between 63 to 66 °F
  • Don't stay in bed if yous can't autumn comatose
    • If it's been more than than 20 minutes, get up and become read a book in dim light
    • The whole indicate of this – you lot don't want your brain to have whatsoever clan with being awake in bed
  • Try to avoid caffeine afterward midday
    • If y'all give someone a cup of coffee (~200 mg of caffeine) in the evening, the amount of deep slumber they get is reduced by xx%
    • Caffeine has a one-half-life of 5-six hours, only a quarter-life of 12 hours
      • If you have a cup of coffee at 12 PM, a quarter of that caffeine is all the same circulating in your brain at midnight (this is the equivalent to drinking a quarter cup of coffee right earlier bed)
  • Know that alcohol suppresses REM slumber
    • (So does cannabis – specifically the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis (tetrahydrocannabinol -THC) – although it may reduce the fourth dimension it takes you to fall asleep)
    • "Booze is a sedative and sedation is not sleep"
    • Alcohol also causes you lot to wake upward more than often throughout the night
  • In general – avoid using something daily to help you go to sleep
    • Treat the root crusade, don't medicate

What about Cannabidiol (CBD)?

  • Here's a make of CBD we recommend at Podcast Notesuse the code "PODCASTVIBES" for xv% off at checkout
  • It doesn't seem to restrict REM sleep
  • Low dose CBD seems to promote wakefulness
    • Loftier dose CBD seems to help people sleep more consistently

Sleeping Pills and Ambien

  • "Sleeping pills come with deathly consequences and high risk of cancer"
  • In the path month, 10 million Americans have used a sleeping assistance (either prescription or over the counter)
  • Ambien (and other sleeping pills) only sedate the brain – it's not true sleep
    • They also create lots of grogginess in the forenoon
    • AND they increment susceptibility to infection (particularly pneumonia)
  • "There is a non-pharmacological treatment that is just as constructive as sleeping pills in the short-term. It is completely safe and it's more advantageous in the long term – cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI)."

Sleep Quotes

  • "Slumber is the Swiss Army knife of healthy. No matter what the disquiet, there is something more than than probable in sleep'due south toolbox that will deal with information technology."
  • "There is no physiological system that nosotros've been able to mensurate that isn't wonderful enhanced past sleep when you become it or demonstrably impaired when you don't go plenty"
  • "The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life"
    • "Brusque slumber predicts all crusade mortality"
  • "EVERY unmarried disease that'southward killing us in the developed world has causal links to a lack of sleep"
  • "Slumber is a life support system and it'south female parent nature's best effort yet at immortality"

Random, Only Oh And so Important

  • Let your child nap
    • After an babe naps (compared to an babe that hasn't) they're ameliorate able to extract and understand the overarching rules of what they've been learning, not simply the private facts
      • Infants that haven't napped after learning, are not quite every bit able to make that abstraction
  • Men who are sleeping 5 hours or less a nighttime volition have a level of testosterone that of 10 years their senior
    • This effect happens with merely a few consecutive nights of five hours of sleep
  • Deep sleep seems to "provide a homeostatic recalibration of blood pressure"
    • The amount of deep sleep you go predicts how much of drib in systolic claret pressure you lot have in the morning relative to the evening
  • ALL states of sleep are important
    • Otherwise, over the class of billions of years of evolution, it would have been removed
  • A sleep tip –  ever endeavour to get the sleep duration you demand (so if y'all go to bed late, sleep in)
  • People who eat a diet loftier in processed carbs and low in fiber, tend to have lower amounts of deep slumber, take longer to fall asleep, and awake more throughout the night
  • 1 out of every 2 adults in first world nations is chronically sleep deprived
  • Virtually doctors get <2 hours of sleep education during the medical curriculum

These notes were edited past RoRoPa Editing Services

Constitute My Fitness - Rhonda Patrick : alzheimer's disease, anxiety, cannibas, depression, dr. rhonda patrick, microbiome, rhonda patrick, sleep, thc
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